Message from the NB Green Party

Wayne Sabine

Green Party NB 22014 is an election year in New Brunswick. Election time is basically the only time the citizens have any say in the direction their province will head in the next four years. It is our responsibility as eligible voters to seriously look at the various party platforms and vote for the one that most closely represents our view of how the province should be run. Of course one should also take into account the past performance of the parties who have a history of governing this province. How did their actions match their pre- election promises? Is the province in a better position now than before they took office?
If one is happy with how the two parties who have run this province since Confederation have performed, then one should vote for more of the same; or not vote as the case may be, the end result is the same. However, if one thinks the government should do more than just represent corporate interest then one should look at the alternatives. Needless to say I would hope that people would take a serious look at the Green Party.

The Green Party was formed by a group of people who were fed up with politics as usual and decided to do more than just complain about it. The overall theme of The Green Party is “it’s all about the next generation”. The six guiding principles of The Green Party are: (1) Living within our ecological means, managing our natural resources sustainably. (2) Local self-reliance, supporting small business and removing “one size fits all” regulations where appropriate. (3) social justice and equality, put people and families first. (4) Participatory democracy, establish proportional representation. (5) Self-determination and citizenship, communities should have more control over their own destiny. (6)Non-violence. It goes without saying that living within our financial means is also a top priority. Details can be found on our web site here
Probably the most common reason one hears for not voting for a party other than Liberal or Conservative is “they won’t win anyway”. Is this just some kind of game? What does one get out of just voting for the party they think will win the election? No wonder we get governments who can always find millions of dollars for corporate welfare but can’t find the money for adequate health care, education, road maintenance, and the honouring of contract commitments they have made with civil servants. To those people who don’t take their voting privilege and responsibility seriously, I say shame on you. The next time you start to complain about government action or inaction as the case may be, take a moment to look in the mirror and you will see someone who shares the responsibility for the situation.

Too many times people zero in on their rights and forget that with rights comes responsibilities. We owe it to those who fought and died for democracy as well as future generations to take our voting responsibility seriously. We need to do more than just listen to politicians sound bites. We need to look at their history as well as their rhetoric and vote for those whose ideals most closely align with ours. Failing to do this will allow the atmosphere of greed and corruption to continue to fill the pockets of the rich while the rest of us continue to slip further into the “have not” category.

Wayne Sabine

New Brunswick Green Party

Carleton/Victoria Riding Association

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