What’s Your Number?

numbersIt is said that mathematics is the language of the universe. The ancient art of Numerology is based on the individual vibrations of the numbers, with each number having its own properties and meanings.

Even if people don’t know anything about numerology, most people have lucky numbers, or meanings attached to particular numbers. Who hasn’t heard of Lucky Number 7? Or what about number 13? Do you think it’s lucky or unlucky?

12 is very significant, with the 12 apostles, 12 months in a year, 12 astrological signs, and so on.
Number 9 is also a special number, as is reflected in literature. In the Lord of the Rings, there were 9 companions sent on the quest to destroy the ring of power, and there were the 9 Ring Wraiths who were the evil minions of Sauron.

Every person has their own life path number, which is based on their date of birth, and our homes have their own numerical vibrations as well, based on the house number.
Because of the flood relocation program, the houses that have been moved now have new street numbers, thus giving the house a different vibration.

To determine the number of your home, add all the digits together to come up with a single digit. So, if your house number is 3465 you would add it together 3+4+6+5= 18. You then add 1+8 to arrive at a value of 9.

If you live in an apartment building, the whole building will have its own number, but your apartment will be the number of your space. If it has a letter attached to the number you add the numerical value of the letter. For instance, Apt 34B would see the letter B count as a 2. (The letters of the alphabet, A – Z, all have a correspondence to their own number which will be 1- 9)

Therefore, 34B will add up 3+4+2=9, and the apartment will have a number 9 vibration.

So what does this mean? My own house has gone from being a number 6 house to a number 5 in its new location, and I am looking forward to seeing how this affects the energy of my space!

Here’s a brief description of the numbers and what they mean for your own home:
1.) This house number is associated with power, independence, originality, innovativeness, dynamism and leadership. When you describe something as Number 1, people know you mean it’s a winner!
2.) This is the number of partnership, it takes two to tango and all, and this home is associated with cooperation, diplomacy, courteousness, hospitality, harmony and altruism.
3.) Eloquence, creativity, good taste, graciousness, welcoming and entertainment are the hallmarks of a number 3 home. If 2 is the partnership number, 3 is a party!
4.) This home has a vibration of convention, stability, dependability, industriousness, discipline, integrity and organization. This can be a hard home to live in if you are scatterbrained or irresponsible!
5.) This house number is associated with sociability, enthusiasm, energy, free thinking, individuality and resourcefulness.
6.) This home inspires accountability, responsibility, consideration and humanitarianism. It is associated with a strong sense of family.
7.) This is a home of introspection and inspires broad mindedness, enlightenment, idealism, ingenuity, peace and wisdom.
8.) This is a number of authority, courage, dignity, good judgment, leadership, fame and money. Along with number 1, this is a good home number for a leader or CEO.
9.) This is the number of public service, and these homes are associated with altruism, compassion, devotion, graciousness and culture. A good home for people devoted to helping other people or animals.

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