Tigger Tails from DunRoamin’

Big Tig here,

Portrait of the author…
Your correspondent Big Tig
I need help. I will be sooo grateful to whoever can back up a Tig.  I am not ashamed to say: Bigger Tigger is in LOVE!! Heart stopping-fur tingling-wanna purr all the time- love. With one problem….she don’t love a Tig!! I don’t understand it either. I’ve done everything! To no avail…So without help I will be a Romeo with no Juliette. A coffee without cream. A Cat without Nip… A forlorn, lonely, heart broke, lost Tig…destined to lay in the window living a life of regret and utter despair, with hardly the energy to eat or sleep….
Let me start at the beginning: I was at DunRoamin’ with Angie, just chilling with Omen, when in walked the most beautiful cat I’ve ever seen. Her name is Banks. Isn’t that the coolest name ever?  She has the most gorgeous stripe pattern on her fur a Tig has ever seen. And she was so tiny. Just a dainty, delicate, perfect flower of a cat. The cat of my dreams. It was just like I had been hit with a dog bone! You could have blew a Tig over with a mouse tail!! I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t hardly think! Omen said ‘you use your poker face much?’…She looked a Tig over and with a flick of her tail she sashayed away.

Beautiful Banks the irresistible temptress….
Beautiful Banks the irresistible temptress….
Quickly, I regained my senses and followed her. I then promptly lost my senses and, as Angie says ‘ended up looking like a 6 week old puppy!!’. I don’t know what came over me! I just wanted her to notice me. I tried climbing the cat tree, she never let on…I jumped over McHale and Molly at the same time, nothing…I dug the biggest hole in the kitty litter, nada….I attacked the stuffed toy and kicked with my back feet until I was a panting Tig, she walked around me….I staggered to me feet and was about to roll over for her and shake a paw, when Omen told me to get a hold of myself!!! I guess I went a bit far, because Mildred sat me down and had the whole ‘what it means to be neutered’ talk again and Angie has been calling me Casanova ever since……

So, I’ve hatched a NEW plan! If I can get somebody to adopt her, then they can just casually slide in what a wonderful, magnificent, superb specimen of cat Tigger appears to be and how lucky any tiny, perfect, beautiful little cat would be to have him! (while feeding her shrimp and free range chicken, because my girl deserves the best.) They can remind her daily how sleek, smart, witty, charming, and handsome Bigger Tigger is. Then give her Angie’s number. I can take it from there.

Ciao, Tig

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