Want More Jobs? Choose Green Energy!

blackflysignClean, sustainable energy does more than just reduce carbon emissions and environmental damage…it brings sustainable jobs, investment opportunities and a competitive edge over the fossil fuel industry.
Our province is truly richly endowed with renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, biomass and tidal currents.
With green policies in place, New Brunswick can develop and use renewable energy to satisfy its own energy requirements, provide jobs for her people and become a leader in sustainable technologies.
Past energy revolutions, from wood to coal, and from coal to oil and gas, have brought an explosion of new ideas, technologies, productivity, profits and improvements in our lives.

And now, it is time for mankind to change gears once again. Fossil fuels have had their moment of glory, but now the time has come for us to evolve and embrace the revolution as we make a global switch to clean and green sustainable energy!
There are exciting new innovations and discoveries being made daily in ways to make green energy cheaper and easier to implement.

As with any technology, developers and inventors follow the money. If we want to see the technology explode with new and innovative ideas, we must commit to green energy policies and demand that our government do likewise.

New Brunswick desperately needs new jobs and industries to support her people.
Running a pipeline across the province will merely turn New Brunswick into a pathway to convey dirty oil sands tar across our fragile and irreplaceable wetlands and waterways to tankers which will then transport it to Asia for refinement.

Where’s the sustainable job creation in that plan? It’ll make a lot of money for somebody but it sure won’t be the people of New Brunswick!

Some countries are way ahead of the curve when it comes to supporting investments in sustainable energy. A number of rural communities in Germany, for instance, own their own energy cooperatives which generate electricity from solar panels and biomass plants that utilize locally grown grains and locally sourced farm wastes.
These residents get cheap, clean power and heat, and they make a profit from selling the surplus energy back to the grid!
The biomass plants and solar collectors provide permanent employment for local people….staff are needed to operate the plants and maintain the systems on a regular basis.
And, these technologies do not pollute the environment, and organic farms can co-exist side by side with a solar collection site, which will most assuredly NOT be the case in shale gas extraction sites!

If we New Brunswickers truly want more green in our pockets and bank accounts, then Green Energy is the only way to go!

Stephanie Kelley

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