History of Carlingford


Aerial view of Tomlinson Lake (foreground) and Blind Lake  Photo by Mo Lloyd-Colwell
Aerial view of Tomlinson Lake (foreground) and Blind Lake
Photo by Mo Lloyd-Colwell
In early July 2013 a group of people, both patriots and ex-patriots, using facebook on the internet decided to get together and use this social media to write the “History of Carlingford”. We were hopeful that we could gather photos of our people, farms, natural resources, sports, education etc. Our goal was to reach back into time as far as we could and find facts and interesting stories that would enable us to write a “History of Carlingford”. Buckle your seatbelt folks, because we have discovered and re-discovered a history that we can be proud of.
It couldn’t have been more than a week into our creation when Joe Gee made his mark on Carlingford by telling us the story he had discovered about the Underground Railroad and the black slaves who had made their way into our country and freedom with a first contact being our own Tomlinson Lake. This was nothing short of amazing! We were already a proud group of Carlingforders, but this really motivated us to go on and keep digging for the History of Carlingford. You can discover the rest of the story of the slaves by reading on and enjoying our history through pictorial photography.

Our goal with story is to not only document what we have discovered to date, but also to spread the word to the many households that do not utilize the internet presently. We want you to know that you live in a very special part of New Brunswick and we want everyone to feel welcome to join our group. How do you do that without a computer? You no doubt know someone in Carlingford that has a computer. Ask them to join our group on facebook, if they haven’t already. You can share your information through your friends and family and conversely learn from others who have posted on the internet. Please join us today. It’s easy and free!!

Lastly, I want to point out that the information we are sharing today is but a drop in the bucket. There is much more to be done and it’s fun! A special thank you goes to a number of people who have worked hard to bring this information to you namely Loretta AdaMary Denslow Gee, Terri Everett, Joe Gee, Judy Davenport Stevens, Mo Lloyd-Colwell, Anna McNally, Jessica Drier, Luke Gee, Letty Boaz, Linda Methot Hartley and many, many more.

Please keep in mind that we could not possibly post all of the photos we now have at any one time. Some may get published in later documents and others may not meet the minimum standard for printing as they are too old or damaged in some way.

Before I go any further, we want to give a sincere thank you to the Blackfly Gazette – specifically Stephanie Kelley for all her help in publishing this History of Carlingford for your reading and learning pleasure. We could not have come this far in such a short period of time without Steph and Jonathan Gagnon.

Jerry N. Smyth
Editor/Creator of the
History of Carlingford Group

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