Secret History

tesla_fondo2Nikola Tesla was one of the most respected and renowned scientists in the world at the turn of the 20th century.
For around 20 years, Tesla’s research, discoveries and inventions were paving the way for a tremendous new future for mankind.
Who invented radio? Or electricity? History books today tell us that Marconi invented the radio, and that Thomas Edison was the father of electricity but in fact, Tesla invented both of these technologies.
What’s more, he apparently discovered x-rays a year before Roentgen did in Germany, he built the first vacuum tube amplifier, he was using fluorescent lights in his laboratory 40 years before the industry “invented them and he demonstrated the principles of microwave ovens and radar decades before they came into regular use.

He was the toast of High Society, and was friends with eminent persons of his day such as Albert Einstein and Mark Twain.
Yet today, most people do not know anything about Nikola Tesla. His research and inventions have been attributed to others and his most amazing discovery, the wireless transmission of energy, has been ruthlessly suppressed and hidden from public knowledge.

Tesla discovered a way to harness the electrical power of the very universe….the energetic soup that surrounds us….and was able to utilize and direct it with his wireless technology!

Tesla was a compassionate humanitarian as well as a brilliant inventor who wanted to give the world this free energy, something that the bankers and rich industrialists would not allow.
Tesla died broke and in obscurity in 1943, and it is entirely likely that he was murdered.

Upon his death, the FBI confiscated all his papers, Tesla’s huge laboratory on Long Island mysteriously burned down, no records were saved and the remnants of the building were bulldozed the next day to completely eradicate any equipment still left.
The masters of war and business continued to erase all records of Tesla and his work as generations of school kids have never learned his story.

Independent scientists who have attempted to duplicate Tesla’s research have been shut down, intimidated and even assassinated to halt their work.
We are kept ignorant of this work in order to keep us believing that petroleum and hydro-electric generators are the only ways to fuel our energy needs.

Fortunately for the world, more and more people are learning about Tesla’s inventions and the reality of free energy.
Our slavery to petroleum, coal and hydro-electric power will end some day when this technology finally becomes available to us….which is maybe why there is such a mad race today to drill, dig and exploit these planetary resources and the hell with the ecology of the planet or quality of life for us all!
Free Energy is our birthright. Imagine how the world would be if Tesla’s work had been embraced instead of denied!

Stephanie Kelley

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