Peaches…A Pet Tale

Peaches glowering at the camera
Peaches glowering at the camera
Throughout the years we have had many cats. They have all been different in size, colour and personality. Some were social, some not so much. Some were cuddly, some were not. By far our cat with the most challenging temperament was Peaches.
Peaches came to us when her family decided that for some reason they no longer wanted her. They had also decided to have her de-clawed as a kitten. We always blamed her testiness on that. What else could it be? A trauma so early in life had to scar a cat in more ways than one. And cats aren’t just born mean! Mind you, over the years I have wondered.
We had two other cats when we adopted Peaches. She grouched her way around them, usually keeping a wide berth but never backing down from a fight should she run into them. Her favourite place to sleep was away from everyone else. As the years passed, the other two, older cats went to “kitty heaven” leaving Peaches an only cat. Did that make her happy? It didn’t seem to. She still stalked around giving her attitude to the two dogs she had the misfortune to share a house with.
More years passed and a move brought us to the home we have now. Great, Peaches, now an elderly cat, could live out her final years happy in the country. Was Peaches happy? Of course not! She fought so badly with my Parent’s cat that we were forced to send her to live with my daughter in town.
Funny how things work out; Peaches settled in like it was the home she always wanted. It was odd that Peaches didn’t have much use for my daughter when she was living with us at our previous home and that one of the dogs she despised was living there as well. Still, Peaches was happy. Well, happy for Peaches.
Peaches lived to be 20 years old. She left us a couple months ago and we still miss her. I smile when I think about her taking on the world with teeth gnashing and snarling like she was being chased by the devil. I imagine when Peaches got to Rainbow Bridge, she hissed at the gate keeper!

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