From the editor…

So. Have you ever heard the term “Trauma Based Mind Control”?
And, have you ever noticed how the micro reflects the macro….that is, how what happens within our families, communities and social circles reflects what is happening on the world stage?
When I first began exploring and researching why the world is the way it is a few years back…that is, why are so many people suffering…I was struck by how we ordinary mortals are held hostage by our banksters, governments and corporations. . These elite organizations use and abuse us, and we make excuses and put up with their sadistic crap as if we are all brain washed and abused wives and children.
And yes, I do realize that there are abused men out there, but in our current situation, the ruling elites on this planet are clearly and plainly coming from a masculine, patriarchal and testosterone fuelled drive to dominate and control our planet and its peoples.

Traumatized people obey their abusers in order to stop the abuse.

I began looking at world events and how we are all being manipulated and cowed by “the powers that be” and realized that the same dynamic occurs in families.
It is a mystery to many people why women in abusive relationships stay with their abuser.

But on a global scale, why do we allow the very small group of powerful elites, bankers and corporations continue to abuse us and our planet?
That is, the people of this world are being tortured, abused, and manipulated and yet, we continue to put up with it and accept this sorry situation.
Like an abused wife who has become controlled by her abuser, we citizens of the world are colluding with our global abusers by continuing to put up with their insane wars, rape of the planet and our own enslavement to the global system of perpetual debt.

And, as we see daily, when people do try to stand up and demand change their governments escalate the violence to control and cow the resisters.
Just like an abusive man won’t let his battered wife escape, our governments ramp up the terror when we rebel.

Witness the hysterical response to the Occupy Movement that began in the US and the revolutions now taking place all around the world as folks finally wake up.
Peaceful protesters are gassed, beaten, arrested and even killed for standing up for their rights.
And if the resistance isn’t met with outright violence, it is ridiculed and demeaned by the mainstream media, all of which is firmly controlled by the very corporate thugs who are ruling us.

Fear of being ridiculed seems to be hardwired into our psyches…we’d rather put up with a boatload of misery than to stand up and speak out against injustice.
Fear of what our neighbours think and what “they” can do to us keeps us paralyzed, as they continue to erode our freedoms and prosperity.
There’s way more of us than there are of them, but we have been trained into passivity and apathy by trauma and fear.

During WW II, the wardens and controllers in Japanese POW camps discovered something very interesting about their prisoners’ psychology.
They found that only 5 percent of the prisoners had the mental strength and willpower to resist their captivity and attempt to escape. The remaining 95 percent of the prisoners did not revolt…. unless they were inspired and motivated by the rabble rousing 5 percent.
The wardens found that if they identified these natural leaders and separated them into their own heavily guarded POW camps they could reduce the guards on the camps containing the 95 percent of the prisoners. Because they would not revolt or rebel unless they had leadership.

And now today we see governments and their agencies arresting, torturing and murdering whistle blowers, members of the alternative press and revolution leaders.
Destroy these people, and fear keeps the rest of us quiet and controllable.

Most of us just want to get along in life, and like the story about the boiling frog….throw a frog into hot water and it jumps out. Put it in cold water and turn on the heat and it doesn’t notice it’s being cooked until it’s way too late…we are all now in a kettle at full roiling boil and still, way too many of us just don’t seem to get it!
Our food, air and water are all being systematically poisoned in the name of corporate profits.

On our own home turf the provincial government and all of its service agencies has declared war on rural New Brunswick.
Not only are our services, jobs, farms and industries disappearing daily, we rural New Brunswickers are also being demonized in the mainstream press for our “sense of entitlement”.
Our government, like governments everywhere, is now a corporate tool. This means that profit for the few is valued more than quality of life, abundance for the people and the health of the ecological system.

Many rural folks have just given up and moved away. Young people go west to make a living where there is corporate industry.
But what about quality of life? Fort McMurray, for instance, is a hotbed of drug and alcohol abuse, prostitution and crime. Hardly the place to find serenity or happiness!

The people of the world are finally waking up, the internet has connected folks to stories and facts the mainstream media never tells.
The elite banksters of the world have gathered all their profit and power in secrecy, up till now. Their secret societies and actions against humanity are being discovered and made public.
Money is their god, and one of their cleverest tricks has been to make the rest of us think money is our god, too.

We don’t need more money or more stuff to live abundant lives. Not so very long ago our riverside villages were bustling little communities that supported numerous small businesses, manufacturers and farmers.
I believe that we can bring back this community connection and prosperity by being local again. I know that stuff is cheaper in big box marts or across the border.

But the most effective form of revolution against the powers that be is to hit those SOB’s where it really hurts…in their pocketbooks!
Support local business people. Buy your gas, food and supplies from local merchants. Keep your money in your home community if you want to preserve our rural way of life.

Stephanie Kelley

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