It’s amazing that we have to have a coalition to try to stop animal abuse and neglect and to persuade people to spay and neuter their pets. The Animal Rescuer’s Coalition of North America has a newsletter that many animal rescuers look to for inspiration and guidance. This article made me smile.
by Ellen McNeely-Paquin
Not long ago, someone said to me in response to time spent on a dog’s training, “I’m not like you, I have a life.” At first I found it very insulting that my work as a rescue should be so looked down upon as somehow wasting my time here on earth. But then I thought about it, and realized how wrong it was . . .
Perhaps I did not take my vacation time to travel to far-off places, but I did stay home and watch the antics of my dogs as they experienced the pure joy of a shredded tuggy toy. And it’s true, it’s been many years since my youth when I used to stay up all night dancing. Now when I stay up all night, it is to watch over a very sick dog who may, at any time, need me when it is his time to cross over.
I do not have the latest fashion of clothing in my closet. Rather my clothing is a uniform designed by dirty paws. And I wear that uniform proudly.
I’ve traded trips to the mall for trips to feed stores and pet stores . . . pretty French nail jobs for calloused fingers . . . my favourite TV shows for hours spent networking on Facebook.
My tears happen not when watching a soap opera or “Lifetime “ movie, but when I go to the shelter and see the devastation of humanity in the form of broken bodies and spirits behind cold chain link.
My laughter happens not in comedy clubs, but after working (to save) a dog feverishly all day and night and have him saved in the final moments of his life.
My reward for hard work is not getting the coveted “corner office” but when I see a small spark in what were the dead eyes of a bait dog . . . a tail wag from a small little dog that never felt a kind hand . . . a touch of a nose of a feral dog that has learned to trust me enough to initiate contact on his terms.
I have experienced more joy, more pain, more pride, a stronger sense of what is important in this life than most people could ever know. And ya know what? You’re right. You aren’t like me. You may “ have a life” but I have lived.
I dedicate this article to all those out there who fight for humane care and decent lives for all of our animals whether wild, domestic or companion animals. It’s for those who believe in a “good” life for animals, regardless of their intended use. And for those who know that pain and suffering is pain and suffering regardless of species. And . . . it’s for all the supporters and volunteers and workers at DunRoamin’ and the animal shelters that we deal with. You, too, have lived.

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