A Note from the New Brunswick Green Party

We have had over 25 years of “trickle-down economics” or “Reaganomics” which basically gave tax breaks to the wealthy on the theory that they would invest the extra money in the economy and that money would trickle down to those on the low end of the economic scale. We all know that the end result was that the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. The Green Party believes that a direct investment in the people of New Brunswick, rather than providing tax cuts for corporations and the rich, is the best way to move this province forward. Democracy works best when we have a healthy, well educated and engaged population.
Based on the 2006 census, nearly 200,000 New Brunswickers were living below the poverty line. Over 10% of food bank users had a job. Those who run food banks will tell you that this number has increased over the last 6 years. Is this acceptable in a country like Canada? Everyone should have an income to allow them to live in dignity. The Green Party both federally and provincially has endorsed the guaranteed annual income (GAI) concept. The benefits of putting more money into the hands of those who need it most will be realized in healthier lifestyles, better school performance, reduced demand on the health and justice systems, and give them a greater sense of dignity and personal autonomy.

A Green Government would: (a) Adopt the concept of a “livable wage” calculated using reliable data on family expenses in our region and taking into consideration government transfers and deductions as the basis on which the legal minimum wage is calculated. This would be phased in over time and indexed to the cost of living. (b) in cooperation with the small business sector, develop measures to ensure that small businesses can remain viable while paying higher wages, based on the principle that society as a whole should support this important sector rather than low-waged individual workers. (c) legislate pay equity in the private sector.

Wayne Sabine
Green Party Victoria-Tobique
Riding Association

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