Table Talk…

From the editor

Greetings & Salutations to all! Can you believe that December is here already?
In case you think it is just you, even scientists….those High Priests of Empirical Evidence who have to see stuff in a test tube before they believe it is true…now agree that something is going on: Time is indeed speeding up.
Our planet earth has a base background frequency, or “heartbeat”. It is called the Schumann Resonance and it is rising dramatically.
Though it varies among geographical regions, for decades the overall measurement was 7.8 cycles per second. This was thought to be a constant rate: Global military communications developed on this frequency.
Recent reports set the current rate at over 11 cycles per second, and climbing. As the frequency rate speeds up, so does our sense of time.

Hmmm. I don’t know what the heck this all means but it sure is interesting! What an amazing moment to be alive on this world!
Although, admittedly, many crazy things are going on. But I think this is all part of the Great Shift, as we all slowly but surely wake the hell up and become Real Humans again.

Even the mainstream media has finally had to remark on the psychopathic criminal activities of banksters, Big Pharma and corporations.
It is so astonishing to realize that everything we thought we knew about our reality has been a big fat lie.

I’ve written a few times about the pathology of psychopaths. Along with their monstrous egos, cold blooded lack of conscience and complete service to self mind set, they are also pathological liars.
They lie about everything. All the time. Small time psychopaths lie to their families and are believed time and time again even when they are clearly completely full of it ….and big time psychopaths lie to the world and we’ve swallowed their self serving fantasy world of endless debt, war and cruelty hook, line and sinker!

Until now…Have you ever seen the movie “The Matrix”? A terrific action flick, and an amazing metaphor for our reality.
The hero of the movie is Neo, who is recruited by a mysterious resistance group led by Morpheus. Neo is offered the opportunity to see reality as it actually is…or go back to his regular life.
Morpheus holds out two pills: Take the Red Pill and learn the truth, or take the Blue Pill and none of this will have happened.

Neo takes the red pill and learns that the world he thought he knew does not actually exist…it is all a dream. Machines have taken over the world, and humans are nothing more than organic batteries providing the energy to keep the artificial machine intelligence running.
The resemblance to our own current reality is stunning. Neo’s world is run by soulless, self serving machines who exist only to feed themselves. The vast sea of humanity are merely tools to feed the system.
Sound familiar? The Ruling Machines of the movie uses humanoid constructs called “agents” to enforce the matrix, the dream world that everyone thinks they inhabit.

One of the resistance group, Cipher, turns traitor. He has been awakened, he took the red pill so he sees the machine reality. He decides he was happier when he was completely ignorant.
In one of the most telling scenes of the movie, to me anyway, Cipher meets with Agent Smith. In this holo-deck reality, they appear to be in a fine restaurant. Cipher is eating a perfectly cooked rare steak, and is drinking a glass of vintage wine.
As he sells out his comrades, he raises his wine glass and tells the agent that he knows that none of this is real…that the steak that he appears to be eating does not exist, and this delicious wine is a dream.
But he doesn’t care. He wants to go back to not knowing…he wants to go back to the dream…he doesn’t want to remember ANY of this. But, he expects Agent Smith to make sure when he is plugged back in and he goes back to not knowing that he is rich. Really, really rich. Even if it’s not real!

He sells his soul to the devil for money and to be completely ignorant and unaware.

On another note, we have included in this issue a terrific essay, written by Mark Connell, about the Saint John River eco-system and how the dams were rammed into existence.
All of our villages used to be robust, mostly self sufficient communities. We grew our own food and took care of each other. Villages supported a multitude of small businesses, farms and merchants.
We were sold out for the gold created by hydro-electric power and the relentless exploitation of our natural resources. Not to mention the pollution and environmental degradation that comes with that exploitation.

Then, we were gradually morphed into a service based economy, instead of a productive and self reliant society.
And now, the money the running out and the government is removing services to stop, it imagines, the haemorrhage.
Currently, one in eight jobs in New Brunswick is in the public sector. Destroying our rural health services in the name of “economy” is only the beginning of this meltdown.

To regain true abundance and community wealth, we need to restore our province to its former natural vitality by reconnecting with one another and working together to create sustainable industries and local agriculture in our rural communities ourselves.
Stephanie Kelley

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