Genetic roulette

By the time this paper comes out, the elections will be over in the USA.
One of the most important issues that will have been decided is the passing of Proposition 37 and I, for one, fervently hope and pray that the voters of California will have passed this initiative that would require labelling of all GMO foods.
In the past months, Monsanto and its allies have fought tooth and nail against this initiative and have spent some 50 million dollars in their efforts to kill Prop 37. Their ad campaigns have been histrionic and misleading, and most importantly, they have lied through their teeth.
They have lied about the safety of genetically modified crops, and the main thrust of their ads screeching about Prop 37 is the lie that states that “labelling foods will increase the cost of food.”
In today’s challenging….but artificially created….economy, the thought of higher food costs may frighten many naïve people into voting against Prop 37. I hope not!
The dangers of genetically modified crops have been suspected for years and disturbing research results about their effects have become mainstream news.
In today’s fascist corporate controlled global economy, scientists and researchers were previously muzzled and suppressed if they came up with any evidence of GMO dangers.
Monsanto and its evil bio-tech siblings claim that they are out to feed the world…but it has become increasingly obvious that what they are really up to is attempting to control the world by controlling the world’s food supplies.
More and more people are bucking the consumer matrix that’s been foisted upon us, and are growing their own produce. But way too many of us still think food comes from the store!
The story of how it got there is a complete mystery to many people, and we’re not encouraged to be curious about our food. Because we probably won’t like what we find out….which is what is going on right now in the battle over GMO labelling.
GMO foods are required to be labelled in Europe, and many countries have taken the step of banning GMO crops altogether.
In fact, the USA and Canada are the only Western Nations that DO NOT have mandatory GMO labelling!
The most recent evidence of the disastrous effects of GMO food on our bodies and our planet is completely mind boggling.
GMOs were kind of snuck in under everyone’s radar back in the 1990’s. And since that time that we have seen an absolute explosion of chronic disease, obesity, allergies, diabetes, autism, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s in the North American population….you name it, and it’s become totally epidemic.
High fructose corn syrup seemed to be a likely culprit in the obesity and diabetes epidemic. And it turns out that HFCS has more problems than just being a really bad kind of sugar that our bodies don’t metabolize well.
85 percent of the corn crop in the US are now Monsanto brand genetically modified BT Corn. This BT corn has had a bacterial endotoxin inserted into its DNA. This toxin kills insects that feed on any part of the corn plant by causing their stomachs to rupture.
Researchers are now discovering that this BT toxin is having the same effect on all creatures that eat BT corn, including humans.
The number of people with serious allergies and digestive disorders has skyrocketed in the last 20 years, and many doctors and health care practitioners find that many of these problems are caused by “leaky gut syndrome.’
People with this problem have microscopic holes in their guts that intestinal particulates move through and out into the bloodstream and body. This triggers allergic reactions and a host of other ills….stuff in your guts is supposed to stay there.
Food particulates that leak into a person’s bloodstream triggers the immune system against that food which then creates the allergic reactions.
People used to be allergic to relatively few foods. The most serious reactions were caused by nuts, or shellfish.  
Now, people are turning up with severe allergies to every kind of food you can think of, including stuff like parsley. How the hell does anyone become allergic to parsley without some serious underlying reason?
If the BT corn is indeed causing these problems we are exposed to this stuff in about 75 percent of all prepared foods on our supermarket shelves.
High fructose corn syrup is in virtually all soft drinks and commercial juices. Those handy little juice boxes? Full of the stuff.
And we even get it second hand by eating meat from animals that were fed on BT corn.
Autism rates among children have become epidemic. Not so very long ago, autism rates were about one in every 5,000 kids. Today, the rate of autism is one out of every 50 children.<./strong>
This is absolutely insane, and we should all be storming the walls of the corporate castles demanding that Dr Frankenstein stop his demented experimenting with our lives and our children’s lives.
The herbicide glyphosate that is found in Round-Up, which used on Round-Up ready crops is another reason to be very, very concerned about GMO foods.
Recently, scientists in Canada conducted a study on pregnant and non-pregnant women, looking for the chemicals found in pesticides related to genetically modified foods. What they found was frightening indeed.
100% of Women Had At Least 1 of These Toxins
The scientists were looking for 5 basic toxins. Those include:
Glyphosate (Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide)
Gluphosinate (an herbicide)
AMPA (a metabolite of glyphosate)
3-MMPA (a metabolite of gluphosinate)
Cry1Ab (the Bt toxin of gluphosinate)

So, not only do all women likely have some of these GMO toxins in them, but they are passing it on to their children. This is similar to research conducted by a German university finding glyphosate in all urine samples tested.
Canola, soy, cottonseed (for oil) and sugar beets are all now predominantly GMO crops. Look at the label of your food….one or more of these products are in nearly every prepared food in our stores.
Canola oil is in everything from salad dressing to mayonnaise as well as being the most common cooking oil, so all of these products will contain glyphosates.
And, once again, glyphosates will be in the meat of animals fed on these crops that we in turn consume.
Health care practitioners who work with people with many serious health issues have found that they can achieve near miracles by removing GMO foods from their clients’ diets.
Many autistic children show significant improvement if they eat organic, natural diets and no longer eat any prepared foods.
Monsanto and other GMO companies claim that genetically modified crops are the only way to feed the world. But that is not true

It’s becoming clear that we can grow all the food we need, and profitably, with far fewer chemicals. Conventional agriculture can shed much of its chemical use — if it wants to. A study was done on land owned by Iowa State University called the Marsden Farm. On 22 acres of it, beginning in 2003, researchers set up three plots: one replicated the typical Midwestern cycle of planting corn one year and then soybeans the next, along with its routine mix of chemicals. On another, they planted a three-year cycle that included oats; the third plot added a four-year cycle and alfalfa. The longer rotations also integrated the raising of livestock, whose manure was used as fertilizer.
The results were stunning: The longer rotations produced better yields of both corn and soy, reduced the need for nitrogen fertilizer and herbicides by up to 88 percent, reduced the amounts of toxins in groundwater 200-fold and didn’t reduce profits by a single cent.
So we can in fact save our health and the planet by going back to more traditional farming methods.
If you want to reduce your exposure to GMO foods there are a number of online sources that list the most common foods to avoid. Buy organic wherever possible! Grow Local!

Stephanie Kelley

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